Minggu, 23 Mei 2010


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Hai teman-teman semua kali ini saya akan membahas tentang world bosses di ninja saga. Siapa saja mereka??? Yuk kita simak profilnya.....!!!!

The World Bosses

GINKOTSU – Level 10

* The wind, wolf World boss. Exp = 1491 Gold = 4000
* Characteristically the same as the wind element, fast and dodges decently for its level.
* Avoid fighting it until you’re well into your 20’s, it’ll make battling it much easier.
* Resistant to stuns.
* Vulnerable to blind, bleed, burn, restrict, poison, fear, and sleep.
* High damage (for a level 10 monster) approximately 100-240 damage a round.
* Capable of attacking 3 players in one turn. (AoE attack)
* High HP (8566 HP)
* Drops Ginkotsu Saw and level 1,2 magatama.
* Turn # | Name of jutsu | Damage/Effect
1. Hunter’s Sight – Self boost (possibly increases critical chance for 3 turns)
2. Whirlwind Tornado (AoE) – 100 – 250+ damage / 200 – 500+ damage critical
3. Violent whirlwind (AoE) – Inflicts bleeding for 3 turns 200 – 400+ damage critical
4. Probing attack – Inflicts fear 90 – 110+ damage / 180 – 230+ damage critical
5. Vampire bite – Drains some HP and heals itself 200 – 250~ damage
6. Illusion eyes (AoE) – inflicts restriction for 1 turn
7. Wind jet – Inflicts bleeding 70+~ damage
8. Bursts of air – 170~ damage
9. Hunter’s sight – Self boost (possibly increases critical chance for 3 turns)
10. Hunting mode – Strengthens – boosts attack by 40%
11. Probing attack – Inflicts fear 90 – 110+ damage / 180 – 230+ damage critical
12. Vacuum wave – Inflicts bleeding 100 – 200 damage


* The fire, Armadillo World boss. Exp = 4078 Gold = 5000
* Characteristically the same as the fire element, HIGH ATTACK POWER.
* Suggested level to fight Yanki: 30+
* Resistant to stuns.
* Vulnerable to blind, bleed, burn, restrict, poison, fear, and sleep.
* Capable of strengthening itself, dealing INCREDIBLY HIGH DAMAGE. Enough to one hit kill people without HP over 1000+. (weakest attack: 200~ to about 900+ without critical. Criticals over 1000 HP with strengthen on.)
* Capable of AoE attack, which also does HIGH DAMAGE.
* Very high HP (16800 HP)
* Capable of healing 2500 HP.
* Inflicts burn and poison affects.
* Drops Yanki Sickle and level 1,2,3 magatama.
* Turn # | Name of jutsu | Damage/effects
1. Fire power – Strengthens attack by 40% for 3 turns.
2. Fire release: Fireball – 150 – 300+ damage
3. Fire release: Flame wheel – 400-500~ damage
4. Fire release: Fire bullet combo (AoE) – 300 – 1100+ damage
5. Fire release: Self explosion – Inflicts burn – 500 -700 damage
6. Fire release: Blazing claw – 200+~ damage
7. Fire release: Great burning wave (AoE) – Inflicts burn – 100 – 250 damage
8. Fire release: Fireball – 150 – 300+ damage
9. Fire release: Flame burst (AoE) – Inflicts burn – 500 – 700 damage
10. Fire release: Flame wheel – 400-500~ damage
11. Fire release: Fireball – 150 – 300+ damage
12. Evil poison – Inflicts poison for 1 turn
13. Fire power – Strengthens attack by 40% for 3 turns.
14. Fire energy – Heals 2500 HP
15. Fire release: Fire bullet combo (AoE) – 300 – 1100+ damage

TENGU – Level 30

* The Fire and Wind, zombie World bosses. Exp = 5556 Gold = 6000
* There are two of them to kill
* Suggested level to fight them: 40(+ when that’s available.) They’re even tougher than Byakko.
* Resistant to stuns
* Vulnerable to burn, blind, sleep, fear, poison, and restrict.
* Focus your attacks in getting rid of the Fire Tengu first. The wind Tengu will immediately cast protection and evasion skills. Sleep and restrict the wind Tengu as often as you can, unload your attacks on the Fire Tengu, heal, rinse and repeat.
* Evasion skill is very effective in avoiding damage in this situation.
* The two bosses tend to attack one person consecutively for a few turns.
* Drops Tengu umbrella/spear and level 1,2,3,4 magatama.
* Fire Tengu
Damage range = approximately 200 – 700+ damage
Capable of inflicting burn, blind, fear, and stun.
Very, very high HP (22600 HP)
Turn # | Name of jutsu | Damage
1. Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere – Inflicts burn – 235 – 307 damage
2. Earth Release: Hill Collapse – 200+~ damage
3. Lightning Release: Shockwave – 215 – 290 damage
4. Lightning Release: Thunder Palm – Inflicts stun – 280 – 375~ damage
5. Fire & Lightning combo attack – 500-700 damage.
6. Genjutsu: Dark Space (blinds)
7. Genjutsu: Fear Dream (inflicts fear)
8. Fire Release: Roaring Flame Sphere – 235 – 307 damage
9. Normal attack – 150 – 170~ damage
10. Flow river (AoE) – 200 – 300+ damage
* Wind Tengu
Damage range = approximately 150 – 200+ damage
Capable of using protection, evasion, and inflicts bleeding.
Very high HP (15066 HP)
Turn # | Name of jutsu | Damage
1. Chakra Shield – Self buff (Protection – reduces damage)
2. Wind Armour – Self buff (Evasion – increases dodge rate)
3. Wind Release: Beast Palm – 150 – 200~ damage
4. Wind Release: Wind Blade – Inflicts bleeding – 180 – 240~ damage
6. Water Release: Dragon Canon – 200~ damage
5. Water Release: Whirlpool – 200 – 300+ damage
7. Normal Attack
8. Heal – Heals 3000~ HP

Byakko – Level 40

* The (Earth? Water? Wind?), White tiger World boss. Exp = 7035 Gold = 7000
* Suggested level to fight him: 40(+ when it’s available)
* Resistant to stuns
* Vulnerable to burn, poison, sleep, restriction, fear, and blind.
* Hellfire and Keiko’s burn are highly effective in this fight. Use it often, and make sure to keep your health high.
* Capable of inflicting blind, stun, and fear. Fear lasts for 3 rounds.
* Capable of dealing AoE attacks.
* INSANE amount of HP (approx. 97200 HP)
* Focuses attack on one person at a time.
* Once he HP is below 50%, he unlocks more skills to use.
* Drops Byakko sword and level 1,2,3,4,5 magatama.
* Turn # | Name of jutsu | Damage/effects
1: Endure-Protection 50%-60% for 5-8 turns
2: Tiger Fist-dmg about 180-250 no special effects
3: Iai Kick-dmg about 200-250 no special effects
4: Fist Blade (?) -dmg about 150-250, bleed 25% for 1 turn
Under 50% of hp skills
5: Lightning impulse,dmg 300+ no special effects
6: Howl-dmg 0- special effect Fear-3 turns cant do anything
7: Lightning Tiger (?) dmg 300+ aoe skill
8: (?) Light dmg 0-effect Blind for 1 turn,not sure about % but its not big
Strategies and tips
* In order to survive the damage some of these bosses dish out, reallocating your stat points to all EARTH is a good idea, and leads to the best chance of success. All WIND element is useful as well, though there’s always the chance that you’ll still be hit for high damage. Having more attack power and no defense is useless in these fights as you’ll most likely die before you can even take off half of the monster’s health bar.
* Remove all stun jutsus you have as the World Bosses are resistant to stuns.
* The overall best pet to use against World Bosses is Keiko, he restricts and burns. Other useful pets, in order of most useful to least, are; Leiko, Suki (as of now, Suki protects your opponent. Once this bug is fixed, it’ll be helpful, rather than being a traitorous pig), and Eriko.
* Have a large stockpile of Healing scrolls with you, even if you’re a water jutsu user. If you’re a water jutsu user, consider adding 2 of the highest ranking Heal’s available as well.
* Skills that cause; burn, poison, restriction and bleeding are highly effective in World boss fights. They help you take out the bosses quicker.
Skills that cause the burn affect are: Hellfire jutsu and the pet Keiko.
Skills that cause poison are: Just the pet Leiko.
Skills that cause bleeding are: Blade of Wind, Wind edge chop, Moon cleave, and Wind blade extension.
Skills that cause restriction are: Water Bundle and the pet Keiko.
* If you’re a lightning user, Lightning flash is a useful skill as well. It allows you to blind your opponent and gives you a high chance to take ZERO damage for 2 turns. Use it properly and you’ll be able to dodge some of the more devastating attacks. Eriko can also blind as well, though at a much lower percentage of success.
* Spirit touch and Golem protection can help reduce the amount of damage you take as well, effective in negating the high damaging attacks of some of these bosses.
* Feather illusion is great against Tengu. It allows only one monster to attack you for 3 turns, and your 3 man team will concentrate all their attacks on one monster.
* Evasion is a good skill to use for all Wind stat users. It’ll give you about a 70% chance of dodging all attacks for 3 turns. If your opponent uses an AoE skill, it has to hit you in order to damage your friends, dodging it will negate ALL damage dealt to everyone.
* The World bosses seem to attack in a cycle (not random like recruit friends), though I might be wrong in this. They will always attack you in roughly the same attack pattern every fight. Fight them a few times to find out when they use their more devastating attacks, restart, and counter them with blinds, sleep, protection, or evasion.
* Use attack skills early and often. The World boss battles are going to take more turns then any other fight there is. The quicker you use your best skills, the quicker they’ll cool down and you can use them again.

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010


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Hasil research yang baru saja dilakukan membuktikan bahwa makan nasi ternyata tidak baik bagi kita.
Buktinya :
1. NASI MENYEBABKAN KECANDUAN. Responden kami yang tidak makan nasi selama sehari saja akan kelaparan dan merasa sangat ingin makan nasi lagi.

2. SETENGAH dari seluruh siswa Indonesia yang makan nasi nilainya ada di bawah rata-rata kelas.
3. Suku-suku pada zaman batu yang tidak pernah makan nasi terbukti TIDAK PERNAH mengidap tumor, Alzheimer, osteoporosis, ataupun Parkinson.
4. Dokter melarang bayi yang baru lahir untuk makan nasi. Hal ini menjadi bukti bahwa nasi punya dampak berbahaya yang sudah dibuktikan oleh ilmu kedokteran.
5. Nasi yang kering biasa dimakan oleh ayam. Nah, sekarang anda perlu curiga dari mana flu burung berasal.
6. Jumlah pemakan nasi di Indonesia jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan jumlah pemakan nasi di negara maju. Ini mungkin salah satu penyebab keterbelakangan pada negara ini.
7. Di warung-warung, biasanya KULI makan nasi dalam jumlah lebih banyak daripada kaum eksekutif. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa makan nasi MENURUNKAN kemampuan ekonomi seseorang.
9. Makan nasi dapat menyebabkan rasa haus alias MENYERAP air. Padahal tubuh kita sebagian besar terdiri dari air.
10. Dalam kondisi tertentu, makan nasi MENINGKATKAN resiko kematian. Misalnya makan nasi sambil menyetir mobil.
11. Pengidap DIABETES lebih dianjurkan makan kentang daripada nasi. Berarti nasi kurang baik bagi kesehatan.
12. Makan nasi menyebabkan keinginan mengkonsumsi sayur dan lauk. Misalnya nasi bandeng (nasi + bandeng goreng), nasi kucing (nasi + kucing goreng), dsb. Hal ini bisa menyebabkan obesitas.
13. Nasi mengandung ZAT BESI yang konfigurasi elektron terluarnya 4s2. Zat lain yang elektron terluarnya 4 adalah Racun ARSENIK (4p3), Batu batere TITANIUM (4s2), dan racun yang menyerang Superman yaitu KRIPTON (4p6). Ini mengindikasikan bahwa nasi punya kesamaan dengan zat-zat berbahaya lainnya.
15. Nasi DIMASAK dalam suhu lebih dari 100 derajat Celsius. Itu panas yang cukup untuk membunuh orang.
16. Anda pasti akan melihat ke atas lagi untuk membuktikan No. 8 dan No. 14 Tidak ada.

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010


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Dibawah ini ada empat ( 4 ) pertanyaan dan satu pertanyaan bonus.
Jawablah semua tanpa banyak pikir. Cuma boleh berpikir sedetik, jawab segera. OK?
Ayo cari tahu, seberapa pintar anda…
Siap? GO!!!Pertanyaan pertama:
anda ikut berlomba. Anda menyalip orang
di posisi nomor dua.
Sekarang posisi anda nomor berapa?
(scrol down)
Jika anda menjawab Nomor Satu,
anda SALAH BESAR! Jika
anda menyalip orang nomor dua, sekarang
andalah yang ada di posisi nomor dua!
Pertanyaan Kedua:
Jika anda menyalip orang di posisi terakhir, sekarang anda di posisi�
(scrol down)
Jika anda menjawab anda orang
kedua dari terakhir, anda
SALAH LAGI� Coba, bagaimana caranya menyalip orang TERAKHIR?
Pertanyaan Ketiga
Ambil 1000 dan tambahkan 40 padanya.
Sekarang tambahkan 1000 lagi.
Sekarang tambahkan 30 . !
Tambahkan 1000 lagi .
Sekarang tambahkan 20.
Sekarang tambahkan 1000
Sekarang tambahkan 10 . Berapa totalnya?
(scrol down)
Apakah hasilnya 5000 ?
Jawaban yang benar adalah
Pertanyaan keempat:
Ayah Mary punya lima anak: 1. Nana,
2. Nene, 3. Nini,4 nono,siapa kah anak yg ke-5?
(scrol down)
Apa anda menjawab Nunu?
BUKAN! Tentu saja bukan.
Anak kelima namanya Mary. Baca lagi pertanyaannya!
pertanyaan ke 5:SEORANG bisu pergi ke toko dan ingin membeli sikat gigi. Dengan menirukan orang menggosok gigi, ia berhasil menyampaikan keinginannya pada penjaga toko dan ia berhasil membeli sikat gigi…
Berikutnya, seorang buta masuk ke toko itu dan ingin membeli pisang, bagaimana DIA menunjukkan keinginannya?
(scrol down)
Langsung aja ngomong, dia kan gak bisu.

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Cheat Critical & Dodge (Tips)

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Aku punya cheat yang keren abis nih. Aku bagikan kepada kalian semua. Nih cheat emank bikin kita jadi kayak dewa. Simak baik-baik!!! Tapi jangan cuma disimak aja... Read More donk..... Hehehe

So first you need these 2 programs:
1.Cheat Engine (http://www.cheatengine.org/)
2.Mozilla Firefox

So Lets Get Started:
1. Go to your Facebook And open Ninja saga
2. Now Open CE (Cheat Engine) and for Process put Firefox
3. Now put in Value: " 9A9999999999A93F000000000000E03F9A9999999999A93F"
(Hex, Array of Bytes ASROM). Duplicate that result!!

4. Right click the first duplicate and set Hotkey (F2). Put the Critical code.
Look at the Picture!! Code (0000000000000000000000000000E03F000000000000F03F)

5. Do the same way with the second duplicate (F3), but put the dodge code.
Code (00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F)

Push F2 if you want to attack, and push F3 for defense (dodge)

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010

Hack XP

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Nih aku bagikan cara meng-hack XP. Ni cheat emang terbukti tapi tergantung keberuntungan kalian juga.... hehe. Let's Go

So first you need these 2 programs:
1.Cheat Engine (http://www.cheatengine.org/)
2.Mozilla Firefox

So Lets Get Started:
1. Go to your Facebook And open Ninja saga (BUT DONT LOG IN)

2. Now Open CE (Cheat Engine) and for Process put Firefox

3. Now put in Value: "3B0008C25B5E0689" (Hex, 8 bytes ASROM)

4. You Should Get 2 Addresses, right click on 2nd and "Disassemble This Memory Region"

5. You should get new window on that window press right click and "Toggle Break Point (F5)
6. Go Back to Firefox and press play on Ninja Saga
7. Go Back to CE and 2 times press F9
8. On Right Side of that window you should get EAX "XXXXXXXXXXX", press on that and put new value e.g. 144 (that will put you on lvl 2, later i will explain why only lvl 2)
9. Now right click and press "Toggle Break Point"
10. And F9 again
11. And Viola! You’re on lvl 2 LoL

So now i will explain why not lvl up immediately on lvl 19....... you Can lvl up your Self only lvl by lvl (so if you wanna be lvl 3 you need to do this hole process over again and in EAX "XXXXXXXXXXXX" put right value), cuz if you lvl up your self immediately on lvl 3 you char will be deleted, this take time but its worth :DDDDD

So these are Values For Each lvl:
1-11 (but you are on start lvl 1)
6-No Code you Must lvl up your self with out cheating
10-No Code you Must lvl up your self with out cheating
17-No Code you Must lvl up your self with out cheating
18-No Code you Must lvl up your self with out cheating
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